

Get insights from the cloud with acirro+...

Get insights from the cloud with acirro+

Move your machine data to the cloud with our fully IIoT ready X2 HMIs and BoX2 devices, and gain insights to streamline operations.

If you are a Maker of Things, a machine builder or a provider of other technical equipment, your business runs on data. Data that can tell when your machines are running efficiently and indicate when you need to introduce maintenance or other measures. The threshold to accelerating into digital has never been lower than now, closing the gap between OT and IT. Our X2* HMIs and BoX2* devices are now IIoT ready by standard and fully prepared to enable you to move your machine data to the cloud. Easily set up a secure cloud connection and begin moving machine data to the cloud using our acirro+ IIoT platform. The solution is easy to implement without needing to rewire your existing installation or re-program an existing application. Viewing machine data in visual dashboards gives you a great overview and provides insights to streamline your machine’s operation, creating new business opportunities.

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